Get Involved! It’s Easy…
This is our Church..
But, we are the people who make it a community.
Our Parish relies heavily on the generosity and talents of the people in our parish community. It could not funtion effectively without them.
It is often easy to forget that a lot gets done behind the scenes.
When we go to Church, we may not realise how much has been done to prepare the Church, the Liturgy, the Music, the Flowers, the Bulletin etc.
We would love people to Volunteer their time and talents to help build this wonderful Church of ours.
St Joseph’s Church, Bassendean
20 Hamilton Street, Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 9 Bassendean WA 6934
Office Tel: 9379 2691, Presbytery Tel: 9279 1549
Parish Email:
Parish Priest email:
Parish Priest: Fr Anthony Suresh
Secretary: Catherine Gordon (Tue-Fri 9:00 am - 12:30 pm)
Perpetual Adoration C0ordinator: Tine Russo
Liturgy Coordinator: Michael Knubley
Safeguarding Officers: Laura Roberts & Nicola Gallagher